Young librarian shares heartwarming tale of three kids, three grown-ups and a Spanish book

We've said it before and we'll say it again—public libraries are the greatest idea humanity has ever come up with.

Seriously, a quiet place to read or study, access to tons of books you can take home and knowledgeable experts on hand to help you find whatever you need—all for free? What kind of unimaginable utopia is this? How are we not marveling all day long about the awesomeness that is the public library?

Librarians get it, and one young librarian is highlighting that awesomeness by sharing the heartwarming stories he witnesses at the library on social media. Mychel Threets, a supervising librarian at Solano County Library in Nothern California, recently shared a story on Instagram of how a young kid wanted their dad to read a book they'd chosen, but the book was in Spanish and the dad didn't know how to read it.

From there, the story turns hilariously sweet as a kid who says they think they know Spanish (even though they actually don't know a word) offers to help. And it just gets better and better from there.

Watch and enjoy this wholesome chain of encounters:

Understandably, people are loving this example of libraries bringing people together.

"In tears; I am an immigrant and libraries and public schools were my gateway to America," wrote one Instagram commenter.

"It takes a village! and why did my eyes just leak a wee bit of happiness 🥲," wrote another.

“'He doesn’t know Spanish. He just really likes people.' Same, buddy, same, ❤️ " shared another. "Love this story. It would make a great children’s book!"

Another person added, "I love these stories of real people excited about reading and helping each other. Thank you so much for sharing. Libraries hold a special, vital place in our communities. ❤️"

Even Jennifer Garner chimed in with a simple, enthusiastic "YES."

Libraries are truly magical places filled with wonderful stories—both within the pages of books and in the real-life interactions that happen there.

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